When a piece of poop falls out during anal sex.
Man we were getting busy and a fuck nugget fell right out.
Something that big Will calls big Jack
“Slow and steady wins the race notch boy pay attention to stories fuck nugget”
When you fuck a girl so hard and a little bit comes out.
I fucked her so hard I had a fuck nugget I don't have to shit anymore.
Small balls of cum that get stuck to your pubes after sex either made from discharge or jizz.
"Barbra, can you pick these fuck nuggets from my pubes?", said John.
is used as an insult, someone who could only be lucky enough to fuck a nugget, often disliked by the population of the world, usually a male but can be used by a female to describe a male (but go right ahead and use it on a female it's 2018, go equality) this person if highly in the wrong and should be punished somehow for being such a fuck nugget. don't be friends with a fuck nugget they're rude assholes
person 1: i can't believe you've one this.
person 2: you absolute hoe, go back to the trash.
person 1: you're such a fuck nugget, piss off bro
The short fat slut at school that tries everything to look even remotely pretty but ends up looking like she dove into a pool of makeup and clothes that are too small.
Hitler- Would you hit that fuck nugget over there?
Stalin- Nah fam. I don't want my dick covered in 10 pounds of makeup.
A guy who portrays himself as being smart,but in reality he’s the dumbest guy in the room
I can’t believe you said that,you fuck nugget