Not real hot dog. Like made of plastic and you cant eat it.
Kid: Hey! What are you going to be on halloween?
Other kid:I dont know yet
Kid:Hey! Whats that in your pocket?
Other kid: fake hotdog
the definition of urban dictionary
bro: how many fake words are there on the ud?
you: uhm, way too many lmfao
When a person uses their own facebook to attack another individuals page but blame it on some one else "Fake Frape"
Comment 1 "You are really ugly"
Comment 2 " Sorry that was a frape by *****"
Fake Frape: Posting on someones wall using your own accoutn pretending to have been fraped by another person
Someone that transports everyone in a courtroom to a fake middle school reality when they refer to somebody they were fucking while he was alive (before stabbing him to death) as a "boyfriend". Somebody that thinks the word orgasmic is crude language (badass because they said it), but wants anyone that says fuck, shit, ass, or anything else that can be considered cursing or swearing by anybody to be penalized for it.
It's the fake person you gotta watch, not the quiet one.
Person that doesn't like rotisserie, smoke jack, or any kind of roasted pig or lamb.
- I don't like roasted pig.
- You are a fake person
Watch out for ppl who have ulterior motives. Look out for people who are wolves in sheep's clothing. Look out for the ppl who are mascarading as your friend wile waiting for their oppertunity to rob you of the things you hold dear and they want.
Watch out for the 32 fake!!!
The paedo version of fake taxi.
This guy is disgusting, he spends all his free time browsing Fake School Bus via Tor.