The biggest loser in the world. Has no personality and is usually a leper con. Is award to girls and will most likely live in his moms basement when older.
That kid stole my lunch. He is such a Harry.
Your casual weeb often is gay and cheats in battle royal games
Ali a”Harry’s such a cheater he killed me when I was on 69 health”
Has severe autism and is a culchie
Harry likes Darragh Walsh’s Dick mmm
A road man about to shank you and can't walk properly
"is that Harry"
"ugh yeah he can't walk"
Harry S is a person who will always go back to his ex girlfriend claire, he also isn't a virgin even though he's underage. He dated someones best friend and then caught feelings for that friend.
There's only 3
styles, potter and the prince
girl 1: harry is soooo cute
girl 2:(obvious confusion)
girl 1: styles
girl 2: :)