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Ghost Rider

When she ghosts you, but she eventually let you hit anyway

"You slept with her? I thought she ghosted you bro"
"Yeah you can call me the Ghost Rider"

by PlentyOfUpside October 5, 2023

Ghost Rider

When you take a shit (particularly a solid one) and post wipe you notice no anal residue left behind on the toilet paper. This happening is synonymous with possessing a “golden butthole” if it has happened more than 5 times in a year. Congratulations are in order for anyone who successfully attains a Ghost Rider.

My uncle Rusty took the longest shit last night in my bathroom, I was upset at the smell until he showed me his Ghost Rider! I can’t believe that dump left his asshole clean as a whistle, Rusty is a true American hero.

by mangegroup March 1, 2019

Patrick Swayze's Ghost

Zeus's secret side dude
Stolen from the underworld
Kidnapped by Spaghet and Priapus
Very very very disoriented
Hated by Hera
New Queen of Olympus

When Zeus kidnapped Patrick Swayze's ghost from the Underworld, Hades wasn't happy because Zeus stole him for personal reasons. Zeus changed form just to be in Dirty Dancing. This is also why Jennifer Grey had no acting roles after.

by Pobias and Trisabeth for life March 28, 2018

Dance Ghost

The act of sneaking up behind someone in a dance-setting, and copying or "ghosting" their moves.

For maximal results, when they turn around, look inconspicuous, or greet them like a former acquaintance.

Bro #1: "Watch me dance ghost this guy. He's got some ghost-worthy moves, and I love 'Total Eclipse of the Heart'!"

Bro #2: "Bonus points if you don't get caught."

by V. von D. October 16, 2014

Make Ghost

"Making Ghost" is the act of killing someone like granny juju and then them turning into a ghost afterwards

"Can you make ghost"

by iamritz July 22, 2024

ghost invite

inviting someone to an event without the intention of them showing up.

I know her bridesmaid doesn't like me, but she could have at least sent me a ghost invite to her wedding.

by ladyluck091 August 25, 2022

Ghost Repper

A salesman who gets you to take a meeting to review his product, but when you express interest, you never hear from him again.

I did a web demo with that software guy a month ago and I was really interested in the platform. He said he'd send me a quote but never did. I sent him a couple emails to follow-up, but no response. Ghost Repper!

by hulabula May 15, 2018