when a perons pp is so big that it looks like a baby tree
damn son whered you find that.
Tree's son
When a tree gets a bonner from a hot naked female tree hugger because she hugged the tree.
Tree 1: Yo did you she that girl getting all up on Frank, he must of got a tree bonner.
Tree 2: He always get those tree huggers, it's not fair.
1.Fallen tree overlaying another fallen tree, making the top a bouncy sit for pot smokers. 2. Popular meet up spot for selling drugs. 3. See Back Door
"Yo let's me up a bouncy tree and burn one!"
Getting a fishing hook stuck in a tree numerous times only to have the weight alone come back and fuck your knee up
Today I got tree fucked after my damn hook got hung up on that there tree
The only do rags people were anymore because they don't know where to actually buy them. Also the new wave is to cut the man out and post it on random things.
Kid-**needs to build a rocket for school and puts Dollar Tree Do-rag Man on it**(had glitter on it too)
**holding the rocket**
** glitter comes off**
Kid- The dollar Tree do-rag man nutted on me
Family Tree Maker 2019 is a new software by Mackiev we Provide Premium support for family tree maker 2019 regarding upgrade, Download, Install and Purchase. We are available 24*7 at your service for more information please contact us.
With the family tree maker 2019 upgrade, ftm users can now build tree more easily. Family Tree Maker 2019 is a new software by Mackiev we Provide Premium support for family tree maker 2019 regarding upgrade, Download, Install and Purchase. We are available 24*7 at your service for more information please contact us.
Is the meaning and nickname of a person that will help you at times, but sometimes wont stand up for you if yu are in the wrong. An over all great freind but if you at a bich you are messing with wrong person.
My best friend is a trimmed tree.