Mark can you hand me that glass of zucc juice I am really thirsty.
A colorless, transparent, odorless, tasteless liquid that forms the seas, lakes, rivers, and rain and is the basis of the fluids of living organisms.
Hey, can you fill this bottle with Zucc Juice for me?
The unmistakable smell that comes from a tib or group of tibs who clearly don't wear deodorant
Man did you smell that tib juice
totally juice, what they give kids at school lunches, and the most suspicious branding I’ve ever seen.
“Totally juice, made from 100% juice” -the packaging.
The black sticky liquid that covers all walls, floors and bars. Made from a mixture of sweat drips, vodbulls and spit. It sticks to clothes, shoes and if you fall over it makes getting back up hard. Thought it is greatly hated many would miss it if it were to be removed
i fell over in smack and got covered in smack juice. It ruined my high waisted white jeans
A way of taking ecstasy. Dropping the pill into a bottled drink and drinking it time to time to get higher and higher.
"On BD bro, I got cotton mouth. Can I get some of your lemonade."
"Na, I can't even let you do it bro. This that Flat Juice. "
"On BD, I thought you bit down on your pill. My fault bro."