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Reverse wet dream

Instead of receiving affections in a wet dream your giving someonelse affections.

Dude i had a reverse wet dream where i ate sarah out it was so hot

by Senpaiofall May 24, 2019

Wet Sleeping Bag

When a woman has a Uterine prolapse (uterus falls out of the vagina), but she's white trash and keeps shoving it back up inside herself with hopes of popping out another kid.

"Damnit Cathy, you sneezed and your puss popped out and it looks like a wet sleeping bag!"

"Damnit Karen, put your wet sleeping bag away, the floors wet again... grab a mop!"

"While golfing yesterday, Tina left a wet sleeping bag in the porta poty."

by 39TWA07 September 26, 2020

Reverse Wet-Vac

To blow hard and firm giving an unusually wet blow job while the penis is at it's deapest point, causing a loud, quick, gurgaling sound.

Nikki dismounted me using her signature "Reverse Wet-Vac".

by Trigger Face December 1, 2010

Wet Dick Syndrome

The disease which afflicts those that receive an inordinate amount of felatio on a regular basis. Symptoms include rash, raw skin, sweaty guilt-ridden stench, constantly soiled or stained pants/undergarments, muscle fatigue, and general uncomfortablility in the pelvic region.

Man, my girlfriend is a real sex maniac, I've had Wet Dick Syndrome for a solid two weeks now!

by DoctorB January 5, 2015

santa's wet dream

White chocolate martini with a candy cane rim job

Can I get you ladies anything. 2 of Santa's Wet Dreams, please.

by Santa's Baby December 10, 2018

Wet Like Watta

Term that Famous YouTuber Cashnasty/CashnastyGames says when he shoots a green light in NBA 2k and also compliments other YouTubers by saying it talking about their basketball skills

"That man wet like watta man"

by DarkLxrd August 28, 2020

Wet Cock Syndrome

A man gets Wet Cock Syndrome when he goes to take a shit and his cock grazes the water like a elegant pebble skipping across the vast ocean.

Oh shit I just got Wet Cock Syndrome

by Cool Cock69 April 28, 2021