Termed used for a person that talks like they got it like that. Someone who talks a lot but does a little. Says or does thing to fit in. A liar of any sort.
She saying that she loves me that’s a whole lotta talk - Joe Gucc
Talking that mierda :As Sumptuous trash talk that someone doesn't want to hear at the time.
Mark: My girl is alway talking that mierda.
Bob: I know she constantly on that dumbshit, Always making accusations and talking that fuckshit 24/7.
1. Chatting or gossiping with one or more persons while enjoying a piping hot cup of coffee.
2. The deep inner rumbling of the bowels that conveys an impending trip to the toilet by saying “We are about to blow!”Coffee talk commences about an hour or two after sucking down a few cups of the morning Joe.
Raylynn shared with me her first lesbian experience during our coffee talk. It was so hot I had to flick the bean when I got home.
My morning was sailing along perfectly until about 9:30 when the coffee talk hit. I was squeezing cheeks all the way to the shitter and barely made it before the morning’s mocha Java came pouring out.
Yoooo, we were talking to Betty last night under the bleachers.
The same thing as “talk to the hand” but instead it means to talk to yourself
Someone - “You’re ugly”
You - “..Talk to the mirror”
Putting too much effort into explaining something not pertinent to the listener.
This guy was explaining plumbing to a random web designer. He was totally talking screws to a hammer.
Texting from a blackberry storm that make no sense because Blackberry Storm are so hard to type on.
"Hey Brian, are you going to the game tonight?"
"Sorry, it's the damn storm talk."
"Hey Brian, what time is the movie?"
"Brian! Quit with the fucking storm talk!"