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Drive in porn movie

A porn movie that is shown outside on a giant movie screen and you sit in your car and watch it. there is a lot more privicy in a car. You can jackoff, fuck someone ect. while you watch it.
There used to be a lot of drive in movies but not for porn. Now they are switching to porn and more are being built.It is a great porn experence to see it on a giant screen ect.

Lets go to that drive in porn movie.

by Deep blue 2012 April 14, 2010

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Music and Porn Computer

An old laptop or desktop computer used soley for downloading shady porn and illegal music so as not to lose anythign important if and when it gets hit with a nasty virus.

Yo Giselle why you got two computers?

This laptop is where I do all of my importnat stuff like keep track of hair and nail appointments. And this one is my music and porn computer where I store all my pics from Tom's secret locker room cam.

by artgod33 February 20, 2009

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Gay David Porn

Gay beastiality porn involving male animals and most often a blonde haired pervert, documented, filmed by and starring David Attenborough or any other males named David with a surname of 7 letters+ and white skin.

Michael the perverted SOB: hey David I went down to the adult movie store the other day then looked in the Gay David porn section and rented your latest "documentary" *winks*, I can't wait to fap to it and hopefully triple myself!

David: Oh!, That's my best movie so far I'm sure you will enjoy it, and the last time I watched it I tripleed myself, So good luck!

Michael the perverted SOB: Thanks XXXX!

by natureenthuesiast December 21, 2010

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porn star curls

A sexy curly hairdo. The type of curls that a good porn star should have.

Wow Barbarella, those are some damn fine porn star curls.

by Miss September July 22, 2005

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Gay Incest Porn

Why are you reading this far? Please go away.

Please don't look up gay incest porn.

by Cock Smacker69420 November 5, 2020

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Face-to-face Porn

Porn up close. Not in a magazine or your laptop or whatever.

Last night at the club these girls were showing some face-to-face porn.

by Heeey!! December 13, 2008

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Porn scene movie

The difference between regular porn and a porn scene movie is that porn is all about fucking,sucking ect. but a porn scene movie is just like a regular movie except it has sex scenes in it that are pornographic fucking sucking ect.

I didn't know this was a porn scene movie.

by Deep blue 2012 November 6, 2009

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