when you intake a large amount of alcohol and have diarrhea the next morning
I got too drunk last night I have alcohol ass
Formal synonym for booty call.
I went to my ex-boyfriend's house for an ass visit.
A booty that is so large and covered in dimples that it resembles a bag of titleist golf balls.
Kim walked by me in a bikini at the beach yesterday and I wasn’t sure if i should puke or pull out my wood driver when I saw her titleist ass.
When da booty so fine you have an asthma attack
"Hey bro did you see Katie?"
"Yeah it made me ass matic"
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When your ass cheeks droop down to the toilet water
Mom: i have DUNKIN ASS
The untanned areas left behind because the shadow of your ass. Usually found as small triangles underneath the buttocks.
She obviously uses a tanning bed, you can see her ass shadow every time she bends over
People who sit at a toll booth for a long time get booth ass. It’s a big flat ass like pancake.