A female in her 20's from the Pittsburgh area who flooded the Pittsburgh Craigslist about her dutch rabbit name Oreo. She claimed her rabbit smelled wonderful, like fresh moss. She is noted to off sniffed the rabbits anal area also.
"Oh no, not another The Bunny Sniffer post."
1. A chubby bunny that’s sings “thunder” by imagine dragons.
2.A Sophia
3. A person with 6 toes
“Feel the CHUNDER, lightning and the CHUNDER 🎵”
-Chunder Bunny
Euphemism for female genitalia.
Mom has a whisker bunny.
A nice way to say you'll go to someone's house at night wearing a bunny costume while everyone is asleep and stab them to death.
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Don't say that again or you'll get bunnied
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Don't make me angry, or you'll get bunnied i promise
That one girl who only goes for seniors. Or the one guy on the football team that the seniors fuck with
Dude you’re such a senior bunny