A POS. Tall for Mexicans. Kinky where he likes butt stuff. Cheap shots you. Probably will attack your ankles. Says OOoooO. Doesn't mean anything.
Person 1: Yo can you set me up with your tall friend?
Snake: Daniel Chavez? LOL
A POS. Tall for Mexicans. Kinky where he likes butt stuff. Cheap shots you. Probably will attack your ankles. Says OOoooO. Doesn't mean anything.
Person 1: Yo can you set me up with your tall friend?
Snake: Daniel Chavez? LOL
Cutest couple ever she's gonna bend over he's gonna destroy it epic cuddles will follow
Heaven and Daniel keep all the neighbors awake.
He is a flirty guy but, only for a while. When he meets someone knew will leave you right away. Makes jokes about you after the person he was talking to leaves him hoping to get you back. When you reject him will block you and say a bunch of crap and lies on you do everyone hated you
Daniel solo… if the biggest bear/hoe yet
Daniel Smith is a ufc fighter born and bred to be Conor Mcregor one day. Dan loves his family and his finger friends. Dan is a weird guy who can be okay sometimes, but if you tell him to chill or call him a pogeon he is like a “devil that has long been caged.”
1.I just met a dan and that’s it really.
Dan is an awesome guy who needs to chill.
Daniel Smith needs to chill
She is the most beautiful human I’ve ever been aware of. I meant that as in her empathy’s depth or well. She’s closest to right as you morally could imagine much less ever come close to nearing her capacity. She is the most overlooked unappreciated human I’ve ever been around. She is the most important person to me on this entire earth. She has always had someone in her ear trying to tear us away from each other. I understand. Courtney I love you from the bottom of my heart forever and always.
Courtney Danielle ard... damn she’s got it all!