A gay white boy who beats his meat to gay naruto hentai. You might see positive things about David but don’t be fooled by his gayness
Guy- u seen that little weird kid named David
Guy2- yea I saw him some gay ass shit
David is the one who will always be with you and listen to you. He is the one who will understand you when others cannot. He has surpassed the level of perfection, and especially his beautiful eyes you’ll never see eyes shine like his so stare into them when you can watch his eyes flicker around and focus but be careful not to get caught staring and if you do don’t look away just study every tiny detail their is and wonder how is someone’s eyes so harmonious, he is also the most loyal and gentle souls to ever exist, but just hidden away but when you eventually peak into it you’ll see how Iucky you are to be the one to stare into those eyes. David will be the reason you decide to keep going and be the reason you’re happy. If you have a David make sure to love them. They deserve the world universe and multiverses, but this long definition can’t even begin to describe all the perfect qualities and Perks he has. So enjoy your time together, forever n always
A guy that’s obsessed with a girl named Tessa. He only wants her for her thunder thighs.
David is always talking about how he wants to be in between Tessa’s thunder thighs.
A big fat guy with a very small penis with no bitches has no friends and is a pundare. Sometimes he maybe go out once to get mcdondalds bc he is very fat. he is very gay and goes to school fat with same clothces evry day he also plays fortnite everyday