A hoe that you will find sucking a dick in mexico
Nicks a hoe just like his mother
Nick is a very nice person until you find out about his reverse erectile dysfunction so when you go into the locker room and see him in his boxers his ginormous donkey cock protrudes out as he maliciously tries to rape his locker. However when someone bumps into Nick while he's in the act, his locker slams on his colossal donkey dick and discontinued it from balls.
We love Nick
A lurker, someone who sneaks around.
“What’s that noise?”
“Oh, it’s just Nick lurking around upstairs”
Nick is a person who doesn’t give 2 fucks and somehow swears without getting in trouble. Nick is someone nobody wants to date. But he has a great sense of humor
Nicks are weird, funny, annoying and immature but usually nice.
That guy is immature and funny his name must be nick.
Someone who always is invalid
Nick is a piece of trash and he is wrong