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Someone who used to be gay (only for one movie) but then transformed into the heterosexual they were truly meant to be thanks to jkr

Remus lupin is an ex-gay

by Ex-gay Remus April 28, 2017

Gay Polarization

When two poles are attracted to each other, or two holes, or pole to hole. Gay Polarization defies any regular polarization such as magnets.

When Andy and Nick meet they were instantly drawn together pole to pole and knew they had Gay Polarization .

by Dedis Arailis February 10, 2017

Gay for Jungkook


Chris is gay for Jungkook.” -Mr. Barack Obama

by szechuan sauce slurper April 27, 2020


a giggle in which one sounds like a little girl.

a Gay-Giggle is Jay Hopkins

by c8r2h93 June 6, 2009

Gay Wario

It’s a very fat blunt often smoked by gangsters or ni🅱️🅱️as

Hey wanna go do a Gay Wario

by Aurbo3 September 27, 2018

cockroach gay

Everyone hates you, you hate everyone, and you have no sexual disfunction within the cockroach community because you are gay.

I am cockroach gay, so you don't matter.

by My username is currently in us July 12, 2019

gay trapping

when someone gaslights and manipulates people around you to make them think you are gay so they can get with you.

Kevin was gay trapping my best friend Aiden and we all thought Aiden was a closeted gay for months!

by krisiisjdjwiowos March 12, 2023

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