having to go out to your car whenever you want to drink/smoke because you live in a sorority house
hey, car bar tonight before the frats?
Some bullshit my Spanish teacher came up with
Definition: car gar zar
Los verbos de car, gar, zar.
Car, gar, zar brought to you by el preterito
The c turns to qu. The g turns to gu. The z turns to c
An electric vehicle charged up with electricity generated by a coal fired plant.
Bill loves driving his Tesla, but he doesn't realize it's just a coal powered car.
When a woman lets a man stick his penis in the hole for her colostomy bag.
Dude, last night that hooker in the wheel chair let me give her an Oklahoma Side Car.
A battery to power an automobile, used often as an acquatic fauna rejuvenator, also its good in all cases.
Girlfriend: I'm breaking up with you, sorry, it's just that the stress you're putting on me is astronomica-
Boyfriend: car battery
Girlfriend: this is why i'm cheating on you with bradley you useless reprobate
Boyfriend car battery (derogatory)
When a woman had three of more dicks in a hole
Me and the boys had a great time clown carring Rachel last night
A cheap used car that is traded between service members as they come and go from duty in South Korea.
I bought a kimchi car from a GI for $500 last year but can easily get $750 when I return to the States in a few weeks.