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Harry is a very hawt person with mad skills of getting all the girls and being really smart but really sporty at the same time. although he seems tough and rough on the outside he has a sweet heart for special people that treat him right.

OMG who is that over there, he is so hawt he must be a Harry.

by Joelkye13 February 8, 2021


A tubby wanker that is very nice and pulls all the fatties, loves molesting Spanish people and getting hold of their jugs. He usually wears xxl shirts but now he wears xxxxl cuz he put lil bit a weight on, jus a bit. If you get to know him and don't get raped before he's acc alright.

'Harrys really nice isn't he'

'yeah but he's a fat pervert'

by Mdoggodog February 5, 2020


Harry, this guy has the tiniest dic ever. No girl has ever gone near him for a reason untold.

Oh harry your that guy with the tiny dic

by Joewardenpoppin November 1, 2019


Harry is literally one of the best people to be around. Super kind hearted and kind but can be a bit shy. Super sweet and very loveable. You are very lucky if you are friends with one and are extremely lucky if you are dating one. (I am and I am very lucky and very grateful ily Harry <3)

Person 1: is that Harry?
Person 2: yeah he’s dating someone- #%^€ I believe

Person 1: damn she’s lucky to date him!

by LifeIsLifeSoLiveIt March 6, 2022


There are tree Harrys in the world they are all from the UK

Harry Potter

Prince Harry

Harry Styles

Harry Potter said avada kedavra and know you are dead

by Cute lil bitch March 18, 2019


he is a horny hater

u should hate on harry. he is the triple h. horny hater harry

by korf123456789 April 9, 2019


an individual who is so obsessed with harry styles that they have an entire fandom. simular to directioners harries put there obsessions into profit (stickers posters and phone cases)

person 1: oh your on pintrest! what are you looking at?
person 2: i’m watching harry styles pin board ideas…
person 1: i love harries! the fandom is a huge safe space!

by June 12, 2022