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Five sure

When you are hundred percent sure of something, one more than four sure or want to exaggerate something.

This movie is amazing!

Oh five sure!
God that bitch sucks

Five sure does.

by Ozium1627 June 15, 2023

five pebbles

stupid shortass pink thing with an orange cloak that doesn't know how to help itself. stupid

five pebbles is a jerk

by hehhehehehsjahejsjkdfjsa June 17, 2024

five dollar piss

A five dollar piss is that piss you take when you've been holding it for a longgggggggggggg time. Usually after over 3 beers. It is a piss that felt as good as finding $5 on the ground. In other words, the pleasure you get from finally letting it go would be worth $5 if you could somehow pay someone for a similar sensation.

Generally had when there isn't a good place to pee in public, and you have to wait until you are in a bathroom or approach a wooded area.

Coincides with saying "arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhahhhhhhhhhhh" when you finally do get to urinate.

Damn dude, I've had to piss since we started walking across this huge parking lot. I'ma go take a five dollar piss.

The line for the bathroom was so long, I ended up taking a five dollar piss when I finally got to the bathroom.

by RasJephizzle October 24, 2011


Any task, at work or home, which takes somewhere between five hours and five days to complete.

"Hey Shirley, ... a little five-minute-job.. Before you go tonight, can you check this and drop it on my desk for tomorrow?... Thanks, Shirl, I knew you would!"

by Bronhill August 25, 2021