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Tears From a Sky Clown

1. Verb: To achieve ridiculous goals through ridiculous means.

2. Noun: The condensation formed on the skin of a Sky Clown as it flaps about in the morning dew. The process of officially acquiring these tears is as follows: Place the Sky Clown outside between the hours of midnight and 3am, wait until 7am with correct weather conditions which would produce dew on an average lawn, and then wring the moisture from said Sky Clown before 9am.

My boss wants me to wash my teeth without a brush for the next week, but still wants me to be clean! It's like milking tears from a sky clown over here.

by jimmies be rustled April 8, 2020

Clown brown

It’s just like the Cleveland steamer but you’re dressed up as a clown ;)

{friend} why are you dressed up and a clown and smell like shit?

{me} shit dawg my girl just made me clown brown her

by Clown brown 👁👄👁 December 15, 2019


Another name for Donald Trump and his MAGA followers, and/or his political associates

If his mouth is open and running, that dumb clown-meister Trump is usually lying about something.

by Humanitiesguy October 10, 2022

Clown Tears

The tears of someone, usually liberal, that's known for complaining or crying about every decision President Trump makes. Even the smart logical ones...

"yeah man ever since Trump backed out of that Paris deal Tina's been shedding those Clown Tears...

by BirdLi June 8, 2017

Actual Clown

Somebody who dresses normal, and thinks their acting normal, but are actually a complete and actual clown

Dude did you see that guy that got stood up by the same girl 4 times in a row? Actual Clown

by Wilkin Fargolve September 8, 2020

Tears For Clowns

A shoop group comprised of supporters of pedophilia amd child grooming. While they claim affiliation with Clownsec, it's worth noting that Clownsec denies any affiliation with Tears For Clowns, other than admitting that Tears For Clowns was created by a former Clownsec member who had been disavowed.

Has anyone noticed that Tears For Clowns group is comprised of pedo supporters?

by DustinDavis465 October 6, 2019


Another word for trolling people, a word that’s used commonly especially by commentators on YouTube, basically pissing people off

Im clowning on a YouTuber who fakes disabilities for views

by Lexriss September 6, 2021