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silver douche

a man or women of the douche bag kind to come out of silver springs, nevada.

carey is a giant silver douche!

by henry the hippo. June 19, 2009

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douche friend

a friend that hates his douche friend and he hates him too beacuse he set his house/porch on fire.(someone who tells someone that theyre going to set their house/porch on fire.)

my douche friend says to your'e douche friend im gona set your porch/house on fire.

by ikemama October 19, 2010

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Douche Box

When anyone over the age of 12 drinks a juice box

*Dave, a 40 year old man sips a juice box*
Jim: Man, hows the douche box?
Dave: *sip* Delicious.

by tableraper May 16, 2009

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douche pup

Coming from the ever so famous word "douche," a douche pup is one who is a douche in the making. A semi- douche. A bastard.

Person A: "Hey baby! Want to see my rather large shennanigan?"

Woman: "You bastard! How dare you!"

She walks away

Person A: That line never works! I don't get it! Its huge!

Person B: "Hey listen here ya douche pup! Ladies prefer gentlemen!"

by The one and only PB April 30, 2007

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muppet douche

A douche bag that keeps flappin' his jaw about nothing.

Fuck, that muppet douche Paul keeps opening his mouth.

Why is that muppet douche still talking?

by .anonymous93846 July 11, 2008

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Douche and a half

A person that is more than one douche, but isn’t quite enough to be two douches.

Kenny is a douche and a half because he called me a name and then apologized later.

Reesha’s boyfriend was being a douche and a half because he accepted girls friend requests, but never messaged them back.

by Mama lama July 31, 2018

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douche fag

also, douche faget. the name of the holiday given to the second week in January. A douche fag is also somebody who drives a jetta and/or can't grow a beard. Someone that isn't a santi or doesn't know sisky, is a douche fag. Finally, if you don't drink fuckin power thirst and run like a Kenyan ur a douche fag.

Dude, that guy wasn't sisky enough so he's a fuckin douche fag.

Fuck the step off you skanky douche fag.

That dirty russian just called me a fucking douche fag.

by Tyler Fox January 12, 2008

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