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Ethan the ultimate jit on gang you never gonna catch Ethan lacking in gang on deadass on jitterbuginton on the dead homies

Look at Ethan he’s such a jit

by Jitterbuginton November 24, 2021


He’s a cute boy with bright eyes and has a smile that lights up any room he walks into. he’s hard to read but will open up to the right person. he’s in love with this one girl probably named emma but he hasn’t realized it yet.. everyone loves ethan

Girl 1: look at the way ethan looks at emma

Girl 2: i wish he’d realize he’s in love
Girl 3: i know it’s so obvious everyone already knows!

by babycatwithdog November 11, 2019


Ethan is a shy but kind friend. He loves all, but when rejected, will hate the world.

Hey, I... I'm Ethan. I..... (Runs off without telling her he loves her)

by Oooooooofffff April 16, 2019


The kinda guy to secretly dress up as a girl and stick sharpies in his ass

"did you hear ethan sticks sharpies in his ass"

by MaxD2005 May 22, 2023


The absolute love of my life, the only boy who can make me laugh when i´m about to cry. The one I can´t live without. The boy who when you´re with him you feel like you´re right where you belong. He´s fiercely loyal, funny, and the biggest crackhead you´ll meet in your life. He plays like he does´nt care but he cares so much. He takes how you treat him to the heart. Black hair, Brown eyes. tan skin. The hottest guy i´ve met in my life, The one who can make you a waterfall in 2.5 seconds with just one look. If you get an Ethan never let him go because trust me he´s not worth losing. He loves harder than anyone i´ve ever met and deserves the world

¨Man I really hope I get to marry Ethan¨.
¨Ethan is my soulmate¨.
¨Ethan pipes me down the besttt¨.

by Bishy2022 November 2, 2022


The most amazing person in the world, funny and caring. Makes you laugh when you want to cry. Shows love and support. Amazing at cuddling because you just feel safe and happy. Has the best hoodies and always smells good. An amazing boyfriend. Ethan is the absolute best

Ethan stayed up all night talking to me about my problems

by Bishy2022 April 3, 2020


Ethan is someone with a fat forehead


by Rautic December 15, 2021