A phrase you use when anything french related fails (i.e. France.) A play on 'french kiss'.
French Person: *dies*
Normal Person: that's a french miss
Maybe you guys can assign me a Cajun French name and then I can try to learn the French language and have children with a Cajun girl?
Can you guys assign me a Cajun French name?
(le) pain.
bread in French is "pain".
Friend: fuck man I have covid
Me: I live in french bread
French Lands in the Southern and Antartic
Person: Where is French Southern and Antarctic Lands?
Other person: Southern and Antartic
This is a term derived from the meme "imagine if ninja got a low taper fade". the term became popular as the original version started loosing relevence.
IMAGINE IF NICK EH 30 GOT FRENCH FRY WITH WAVES! imagine nick eh 30 had french fries with waves
Like french kiss but more passionate and longer at the point where you are no longer sure it's still technically a kiss.
Dude1: We have done French Business with that freaky girl the whole party.
Dude2:Wtf is a French Business?
Dude1:Like a French Kiss, but so long and so passionate it's like operating a business.
Dude2: Man you are weird.