when something that was trendy or really cool is ruined by mainstream media exploitation or over used and abused by mainstream society
comic book hero movies used to be fun now they are cool curtains
I saw some tool with a smart phone doing some dumb shit trying to impress chics like in that commercial. fuck it, its cool curtains
"CFJ" or "Cool Funny Joke" basically refers to when a dumb ass broad is talking and your boyfriend cut that bitch off, and she mad because she can't vent.
Dumb ass broad: Wow, aren't I just the best girl ever?
Bf: What about my girl?
Dumb ass broad: That's cute, that's funny, that's a joke. That's "CFJ - Cool Funny Joke."
The act of pouring hot steamy coffee on one's own dick, then having a female immediately eat a peppermint patty and then begin to give you a blowjob.
Bro 1: "Yo, bro beans, did she give you The Hot Steamy Coffee Cool Down last night?"
Bro 2: "Yeah dude! At first it hurt like shit, and then you're like oh shit, my dick is in peppermint heaven!"
Bro 1: "AW that's sick man! I for sure need to try that sometime!"
The sentence used by people who want to describe something as cool in a 3 word phrase.
Friend one: you like my phone? Pretty cool, huh
Friend two: indeed
Have you ever felt cool shiting?Well that is fuckin cool
I feel the cool shit and its fuckin cool
Mackenzi's silk pants, and knock off Doc Martins.
"All of you guys are supporting chinese sweatshops I hope you know, my pants are made in the USA, like Mackenzi's Cool Pants.