Urban Dictionary Names are usually Definitions written by people, usually who have the name or are partnered with someone with the name stated in the definition, using a bunch of good buzzwords that they can think of, usually to feel better about their name.
UD user: Hmm, I heard the word "Jezebel" today used in a derogatory fashion so maybe i should look it up on urban dictionary.
UD user named Jezebel or the partner of someone named Jezebel: Jezebel is a girl who surpasses all girls. She is beautiful, smart, and caring. She can also be loyal, kind, and trustworthy. She will always listen no matter what is going on in her own life. She gives great advice. She is a sensitive person. Above all else, her personality is incomparable to any other. Jezebel is amazing.
UD user: I guess it's pointless to search up a Urban Dictionary Name
There is a lot of words by Urban Dictionary
What the 'Urban Dictionary' logo looks like if you squint real hard
"I got banned"
"How do you know?"
"I saw my name on the Ur Ban Dictionary"
Refers to where you impatiently/imperiously refuse to correct your spelling-mistakes when composing text on on a word-processor, but instead just click "add to dictionary" for each error to make said pesky intervals of squiggly red underlinings disappear.
Not only does "add to dictionary" abuse result in your literary compositions' remaining full of mistakes, but it also potentially harms the next person who attempts to use said word-processor, since your spell-checker will now not "catch" many misspellings that this subsequent typist may make, and thus he may unwittingly not do a proper job of proofreading his letters and memos, either.
When you go on urban dictionary so much that you decide to use the newly found definitions on everyone else...
The severity can often be pretty large due to the very random things in which go on.
Person when he/she is urban dictionary infused: "Well I have been mindlessly searching for hilarious words for ages. I might use one on my friend and call him a cockjugglingthundercunt."
Biased, racist, losers that can’t take a joke
These urban dictionary peers really are pansies
Someone that heavily uses urban dictionary to look up the meaning of a word.
Molly called Daniel a "douche". Daniel would then go and look the meaning "douche" on urban dictionary. Daniel is therefore an urban dictionary king.