The day of BabyTxga. Only reals Gs was born on this day
Baby Txga was born on March 1st.
March 1st is where you can ask your partner to do anything, as long as you’re shorter than them.
On March 1st I asked my significant other for a hug since I am shorter than them.
National send your boyfriend a booty pic
So go send him one no matter where you are
Hey its march 18 come on send the pics
2👍 2👎
National send your friend a booty pic day
Send your friend a pic of your ass
Hey its March 18 you know what that means
Tell your crush/boyfriend u love them and give them a big hug
Girl:I love you so much*Hugs*
Boy:I love you too*Hugs Back*
March 18th
On March 18 it is national kiss your gf/crush day
Express your feelings to your crush/gf on March 18
You: *hugs them*
Crush: what was that for?
You: it’s March 18!