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Fuck Nugget

A person without any arms and legs used as a sex toy

Ah man, this chick totally blue balled me...
Don't worry fam, you can use my fuck nugget

by DSE-SRO (definitely not) May 11, 2017


when someone is past stupid they are just, they can't even

jim: he dwag

tim: you sound like a FUCK NUGGET

by d3rp October 13, 2015


any male from denmark named emil

don't be stupid you fuck-nugget

by yerinashi March 29, 2020

fuck nugget

fuck nugget is when your friend gives you a chicken nugget and your vibrator is out of batteries so you decide you get that lumpy shit inside of you.

Maria: "Yooo, my vibrator is dead what I do?"
Addy: "you remember that chicken nugget I gave you earlier? You still got that nasty shit right?"
Maria: "Yea I guess ill just have to fuck nugget that tonight."

by ImStalkingYourKIds January 3, 2018


When Somebody is doing or acting in the most un-realistic way to where you just want to punch them in their face because their asshat ways just got you to the point of no return.

Kymm: OH my God did you hear how Sarah was talking to Farrah that was so crazy.
Tamrynn: Yeah! She totally is going to get the shit beat out of her because she was being a total FUCK NUGGET

by H00D NEWZ August 15, 2022

fuck nugget

This is a nugget who likes to fuck

me & bestie: that jaylen fuck nugget’s fo sure

by Miyethia September 29, 2023

Fuck Nugget

When a piece of poop falls out during anal sex.

Man we were getting busy and a fuck nugget fell right out.

by UREvilDave May 11, 2016