A low elo Town of Salem player (hates high elos due to inferiority complex) who thinks he/she is good but the only thing they're good at is making completely pathetic decisions.
Irmag is a retard because he believes in "always hang the accuser first"
Name used for someone who either makes a really dumb decisions or is themselves really dumb.
I offered my patient with diagnosed kidney cancer surgical removal of it, but he refused and instead decided to use herbs to heal himself. What a fucking retard.
a word that offends little wokies. (wokies are things that cant live and are constantly on conversational life support, being lil cunts)
-lol i saw a retard just now.
-oh, that!
retard is a slur for mentally handicapped people, usually with autism or dyslexia, often used to say someone's stupid or did something stupid. using the word is usually backed up by saying "its the name of a disorder" but the name was changed a long time ago from retard syndrome to cotard syndrome
p1: Jimmy is a fucking retard
p2: stfu he's just stupid
p1: aww poor Tom is retarded
p2: if that your waybof saying he has autism stfu and leave