A nice boy who is pleasant to be nice to and overall wholesome but you can bring a dirty side out of him.
Person:I have wholesome friend
Friend: Probaly a Sam
Sam is a kinf person, he the type of guy to have a huge dick but still ack like he didn't really care about it.
Sam can be shy but with his close friends he will act absolutely differently.
Sam is Sam, the guy who wants everyone's happiness, he is usually hyper sensible and can easily cry for nothing. But he is not annoying at all, you know you can count on him to talk about everything. Sam is a good person. Be a Sam.
Random person: Hey, you know this kind guy over there? He apparently helped Sarah when she was struggling during a panic attack.
Other random person: Yeah! Its Sam, he is a good friend.
Sam: Hey guys, how are you?
Sticky hair (not just his head). Used to be asian but after much plastic surgery is now white. Gets up at half five in the morning and runs in the dark with ankle weights on solving a rubick's cube. Likes his gym time.
-I touched Sam's hair earlier.
-Unlucky mate, did you get stuck?.
A person with an inverted penis and zero sense of style. He will buy expensive ass things with his dads cancer fund and use them for one day. People will walk around hard as a rock then see Sam and become soft as a New Zealand kids mouth.
Hot girl 1: Ew, look at that Sam
Hot girl 2: he asked me out and I tried to kick him in the balls until I realized he doesn't have any
Can be a boy or girl.
A person who thinks they are better then anyone else. Hates imperfect people and only likes the people like them. Yells a lot
Person 1: “ hey look there goes Sam”
Person 2: “ I heard that he is a mean person. Is that true?”
Person 1: “yes it is”