A way of pleasuring one’s self by tightly wrapping a thin rope around their genial, tying the other end to a horse then having the horse gallop away. When the rope comes undone unblocks the blood flow back into the genitals, transpiring into great pleasure.
Tom had never tried the Roman Horse Rope Pull, but when he got to his uncle’s ranch he knew it was time.
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A man who works with animals, ghosts and spirits.
My friend whet to see the horse thing thing man
A slender spliff perfect for inconspicuous consumption. Over before anyone even notices.
Dude, you ready? Let’s step out the back the for a race horse?
When you're on a horse.
Luke: When you're on a horse.
When someone has long, skinny legs and a big ole kneecap that looks awkward and disproportionate. Typically seen in adolescents and preteens but may persist into adulthood in select cases.
Damn, looks at that girl’s horse knees! Lol!
A more common phrase for the sport of horse racing. Much like motorcyclists, horse racers prefer to be known as Horse Racists. Just for the record, a horse race itself is more commonly known as a Whore's Race as it involves racing anything from horses and whores to a horse's whores and everything in between.
"Vic DiBitetto rode a horse named Horse Shit in the local horse race. Then he went on to ride a whore named Whore Shit in the National Whore's Race Championship! Much like a motorcyclist, he brings the Horse Racism back to all of the Whore's Racists!"
When someone serves you a meal but gives you nothing to drink whatsoever, much to the annoyance of many people.
When I went to the restaurant the other day, they gave me nothing to drink, even when I asked for water 100 times! What a horse's meal.