I would like to smoke some good shisha tonight.
Well, then we have to go to Shisha town
Man driving a vehicle ment for a woman.
My friend goes to escapè town.
To spread cream cheese on a bagel while nude.
Patrick always performs the back town zebra when he has guests over for breakfast.
Loot Town currently #2 guild on server #1 at saying that was a shitty guild on WoW Classic run by Hexus who screwed up world buffs and were the baby brother guild to Loot The Dog. Hexus went off on a tirade and ruined his own guild. Loot Town was starting to make progress in Naxx but due to that it failed. Loot Town # 2 guild and # 2 guild with name Loot in it. RIP to the infamous guild
Loot Town more like Foot Town am I right?
Haha Bike trolled Loot Town again in LFG. I love Bike!
To be off the ground, ignorant and unable to sympathize with the needs of the commonfolk
Our manager Tom is really is at Kennedy Town... He is totally unaware that toilet rolls are sold in supermarkets, not convenience stores!
First of all. Town is full of ugly,idiot,chavvy eccie munching riots. Stinky Sara yazdani who honks of pish should go in a shower.
Have you heard of town group ? What? The bunch of freaks who rock about town eccied oot their tits? Aye how?
The act of a sexual partner or partners engaging in sexual intercourse involving faecal matter.
Tom: What shall we do tonight?
Lulu: Well I need to go for a shit and I’m horny, so shall we go to brown town?