The rulers of any hole, also the cause of bad weather. To worship them, you must dance around a hole like an idiot, saying "HOLE GODS HOLE GODS HOLE GODS!" frantically.
Zoe: Omg its about to rain.
Annabel: The hole gods must be really pissed...
Eli: Well, what're you waiting for? We need to find a hole to worship.
That lazy dude who aint about it
Sloth God-He wont be out here cause hes to lazy
God chruch is a phrase from jake Paul's song it everyday bro from the lyric "just dropped some new mercy and it's selling like a god chruch. Then ricegum used god chruch as his song title for his diss track on tanner fox it's a banger.
Drop merch and it's selling like a god chruch
When you see someone who you think is such a god but really they are just so much better at stuff than you are by 100%
Troy: Holy crap bruh, your such a fricking Tire God.
Abed: Thank you, you're just an Idiot because you're not as pro as I am.
I’m gonna be honest I don’t even know what this means I just know it means there’s a lot of truth going on
“Guy you got dents in your head”
“On baby god”
When you can clap cheeks good
Damn Thomas Mentzer a Thunderclap God in the bed