The name "Dream Luck" is a jab at the Minecraft Speedrunner that goes by the name Dream. Dream has cheated in speedruns, adding modifications that edits mob drop rates in this favor. Dream Luck is when you complete any sort of RNG task with high success by modifications of the game or tampering with your save beforehand. Something that normally, only a very lucky person would achieve. Dream Luck mostly occurs in speedruns but can appear in other forms such as let's plays.
That guy got 12 pearls from just 10 gold! He must have Dream Luck!
Dream Luck means when somenoe is very lucky at a game, this makes reference when dream got a really lucky speedrun, because he had a mod turned on when doing the speedrun.
"That guy got Dream Luck!" "Ayo, that's dream luck"
Dream Luck can be a way of saying that someone is 'Lucky' but sometimes it's used when a 'YouTuber' is bullshiting so much that they use the word 'Dream luck' becouse there was no way for someone to be that lucky.
"Of course totaly 'dream luck' buddy. Not that you cheated"
To hope with for innocent fairytale ending in a bloody gore invested situation.
Why am I dream-a-linging about a cure for the Walkers?
The experience of studying in Europe for free, working in a good position there and save money/building up your own company and afterwards moving to the United States to make use of the benefits of capitalism there.
Can only be experienced by people born and raised in an European country.
He studied mechanical engineering in Berlin, started a company there and when it started making good money, moved it to the States. He's living the Euro-American dream!
She's a supervisor in Pfizer. She actualy studied pharmaceutics in University of Tartu and Stockholm but moved here to live the Euro-American dream!
When your second opener is a no-show and you ain’t got no keys so you wait in a brisk parking lot to see what life has in store for you next.
“How was your day?”
You know, bro, livin’ the dream.