Excessive vomiting after a night of extreme drinking, prior to which you ate a big meal.
After last nights party Becka spent an hour choking on his/her corn.
Still spoil your gf/lady/mrs even if you hate her;
You can also say this phrase in response to the infamous quote: 'If you adore her, Dior her'.
If you hate her SAINT her"
"And even if you hate her, SAINT her!"
Even if you hate her, SAINT her...
To execute or torture someone by Dragging them with a rope on horseback.
In modern times it is mean that you drag someone using a rope or chain with a Car, Truck or Motorcycle.
We gonna get that boy and Drag Them / Him / Her
This refers to the palm of the hand and the five fingers,and is a term used for masterbating
I bet you had fun in the bathroom with Palmella Handerson and her five sisters
When you take your flaming pork sword and give a girl a vagina rumbling of a lifetime
Are you hangin with your girl tonight? Yeh imma pluck her!!!!
Look at that girl painting her attic window.
The monkey on her back is still the fact that she missed the competition the previous year.