A job that seems pointless and useless and drives a dog fucker crazy
I was cleaning up wood in a yard full of garbage , then I said “why the fuck am I cleaning up this horse cunting shit when there is garbage everywhere?”
A horse - made out of a hedge.
It guards the gates to the city Juffair and protects all those who venture in. Located close to The World's Shittest Bar, members of the Bahrain Cultural Trip are obliged to take a selfie with the "Beast of Bahrain" - preferably pretending to slip one up the tradesman's entrance.
Did anyone see Alan's date last night? She's a worse ride than the Topiary Horse.
A particularly large and unpleasant defecation.
I got drunk last night and ate Chipotle and took the most epic shivering horse this morning.
A more common phrase for the sport of horse racing. Much like motorcyclists, horse racers prefer to be known as Horse Racists. Just for the record, a horse race itself is more commonly known as a Whore's Race as it involves racing anything from horses and whores to a horse's whores and everything in between.
"Vic DiBitetto rode a horse named Horse Shit in the local horse race. Then he went on to ride a whore named Whore Shit in the National Whore's Race Championship! Much like a motorcyclist, he brings the Horse Racism back to all of the Whore's Racists!"
When someone serves you a meal but gives you nothing to drink whatsoever, much to the annoyance of many people.
When I went to the restaurant the other day, they gave me nothing to drink, even when I asked for water 100 times! What a horse's meal.
When you put a rubber band around a horses balls so your friend Jakob gets kicked
we pulled a jakob's horse the other day, it was wild
Someone who will never accept that they are in the wrong and boast about how they are better than everyone else when given the opportunity. They tend to never shut the fuck up in general and usually have no proof to prove they're better than someone at anything, their blood pressure triples the minute someone says they're not good at something and their breathing rate becomes so fast they can't get words out of their mouth fast enough to debate which leads to them growling like a pansexual genderfluid furry. People with Horse-Cock Egos have usually had mental trauma from their childhood.
Jim: Hey Jack i'm good at Minecraft PVP, want to play Skywars duos?
Jack: Sure br-
Alex: Shut the fuuuuuuuuuck up i'm so much better than both of you i'd shit on both of you i'm a top 10 player in ranked (account deleted though).
Jack: Well what do we have here? Alex's Horse-Cock Ego just couldn't fucking resist.
Alex: I'm gonna fuckin looooooose it.