The trope in every action movie by which the villains, often highly trained soldiers, mercenaries, and hitmen launch an arsenal of every weapon known to man, yet can barely nick our hero or heroine with anything more serious than a flesh wound.
Often paired with the Good-Guy Bullseye, which Our Hero/Heroine uses to bring down a spaceship or aircraft carrier with a single, blindfolded shot from a pea-shooter.
Black Widow saved the day because the Russian hit squad had Bad-Guy Aim, allowing her to destroy the Kremlin by throwing a paper plane at it.
A historical figure known for his GTA 5 skills and glitch tactics. He was born in 1650 and rose to power when his father Anton Castillo started making tabacco that cured cancer in his homeland of Yara. Bad Boys Baddock will be remembered as president of the columbian republic.
Child: "Who is that?"
Father: "thats Bad Boys Baddock, the greatest somalian pirate to ever sail the 8 seas"
Bad Boys Baddock: "greetings child"
Something that imanoob2000 says.
Random Atomic player: blah blah literally anything blah
imanoob2000: drugs are bad for you
The act of pretending to perpetuating/partaking in bad-ass behavior by putting photos up of yourself on social networking sites with thing such as girl with large breasts and large guns and other symbols normally shown in normal badassery.
Pretend Bad assery is hillarious especially when you see an ex pointing a gun on Facebook and making gangster references as his status. In reality you know that he cries himself to sleep and certain parts are very very small!
A person who either is bad at ass fucking OR is a bad ass that fucks.
Judy- "He's such a bad ass fucker!"
Tara- "NO WAY! Now I know who NOT to let in the back door."
Judy- "Look at the way he walks. What a badass fucker."
Tara- "I am going to say something that implies he's a badass and likes to fuck."
A moment which creates the feeling of being a person whose has extreme coolness and law evading ideas, while also being excited, extraordinarily enthused and energetic.
A combination of bad ass, and fantastic.
"I'm so bored"-Jon
"Let's go play tennis!"-Evan
"BUT IT'S 10:30 P.M.!!!"-Jon
"I know."-Evan
"Well someone has some bad-ass-tastic ideas!"-Jon
Having major street respect; minds own business until someone puts his back against the ropes! Then he comes out swinging with the eye of the tiger! Grooooowl!
Ole boy got mad squabbles! He Bad Like Balboa cause he handled them fools messing with his weed like they name was Clubber or Drago! What a knockout! He flyin high now!