A social construct. A monster can be based on looks or behavior. Something that is considered physically monstrous may not have monster-like morals. Someone who participates in monstrous behavior but is considered physically appealing, may not be considered a monster. It is often that what is a monster is based on looks rather than actions and those who have monstrous morals are the ones who call those who are physically different, monsters.
What makes someone a monster? I think it depends on ones values.
Someone who is generally very strong and scary with an intimidating aura, and features and seen generally someone who you wouldn't interact with
Man! that guy's a monster, he's huge.
Monster is the word used in the Warrior Cat franchise for anything with a motor. The cats believe they are living creatures and that most are aggressive towards animals.
A lawnmower is a small monster, while a truck is a big one.
a person that pours milk before the cereal
me: yo jack
jack: yeah
me: what order do you make cereal in
jack: milk-
me: excuse me, you fucking monster
A thing that is evil. Unless your in a movie than it is either good or bad or evil or good or bad or evil. Oh also its a killing machine (they seriously need to use these things in war) oh wait isn’t that like the hole reason the Russians came to Hawkins
Hey look a monster its gonna eat me
Being really f*cking good at something.
Damn, you just hit that 7 man on screen? You're a f*cking monster.