When a girl or guy idolize the Kardashian’s so much that the end up looking like a cookie cutter version of them. There are millions of them out there. With fake lips, Butts and boobs. There make up is way over done, nothing about them is original or natural.
That girl is a cookie cutter kardashian, she’s copied everything they do. She looks like a clone aka cookie cutter version of the Kardashian’s.
an adorable cookie from cookie run.
Me: omg have you've seen milk cookie?!
My friend: yes?
Me: he's so cute, amazing, and i just want to hug him!
My friend: ok bye-
the cookie man is the god u shall green eat dirt as much as u can without being an orange hoop
omg! is that A COOKIE MAN POP?!?!?!
1. A person who is emotionally or financially unstable.
You're about as put together as a Crumbly Cookie.