A good rule to live by meaning if you have no money you should probably not be looking for a honey considering you won't be able to afford going on dates and such.
I'm too broke too date I need to follow the rule No Money No Honey and focus on getting a stable source of income before I start swiping on Tinder all the time again. I don't want to make my partner feel disrespected or neglected, especially during the holidays.
Tracking receipts or a trail of money
She had to find her money tracks to submit for expenses
to assassinate/kill somebody often used in UK slang to say tehy want somebody killed/dead
oi i want some money on his head
gowon i’ll do it
Picture of money from a photo see arch using Safari search engine.
Man, that safari money you showing me.
The meaning of the richest amount of cash you win own or see, use it as a funny word to express great amounts of money.
I just saw some Sigma Cash Money in that rich mans house dude.
She loved the sausage but wasn't so happy once she got the money mustard.
nickname for the richest senator in US History Mitt Romney
Money Mitt was worth between 100 million and 300 million.