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Fake Plastic

when someone has a lot of makeup on or had a lot of plastic surgeries.

"Man, she's fake plastic. Even the thiccc booty is fake.

by whoKNEWws March 28, 2018

fake the snake

To add in a small specific detail in order to make your lie seem more convincing

"fake the snake, it makes people trust you "

by Kwaqling November 1, 2017

fake spag

Complete gay cunt,mongoloid dumb gay cuunnnt has a lesbian brother that suckles it boney nips and precums in hi spanties. >>>..__-.-.-._>-.->-.-. I said he is big gay hahaah in braille


by Invicta CUNNNNNT September 9, 2019

1๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

fake bitch story

a private snapchat story where you talk about people that you aren't friends with anymore and who did you grimey.

Im going to make a fake bitch story on snapchat and talk about people who did me wrong.

by yeahitsj February 24, 2020


A person with an especially long nose; however, gay is not enough to describe them. So, comes the term "FACKING GAY"

Bruh 1: Bruh 2, you're so stupid
Bruh 1: *despawns*

by GotchaBeta April 24, 2019

fake depression.

people in mostly middle/high school who think they are depressed for no reason even though they weren't diagnosed with it if your just sad its not depression depression is when you have to take pills so stop acting sad a lot of people think this cause in movies they do sad stuff and then they do it because it makes them depressed

james:One time i saw some girl on Instagram talking about how sad she is she has fake depression.

jack:what a idiot

by my sister is fake depressed November 21, 2020

Fake depression

Someone who wants to get attention by faking a serious illness named depression. Mostly does these things:

-Post sad bart with VHS with some suicide stuff text typed.
-Sad edits
-listen to emo music
-has a tiktok account with depression videos (black screen with sad quotes and some deep music)
-use these emojis often: ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ˜ฃ๐Ÿ˜“๐Ÿ”ช
-says that they are going to kill themselves
-says that they're alone and never have any friends (why the fuck ur lying)
-cuts her skin with some sharp shit stuff on purpose
-rarely blames it on someone else
-mostly a 9-13 y/o girl
-have a bart pfp with hearts around them
-openly shows how depressed they are
-plays gacha or roblox

fake depressed 13 year old girl: omg im so sad i want to kill myself *cries*
Guy: shut the fuck up you stupid fake depressed bitch who only wants attention you stupid asshole, you are embarrasing yourself
Guy's friend: why is that bitch always so sad
Guy: that bitch has fake depression,

by lolWhichName September 16, 2022