a phrase used to mean "civilized" (however one defines this word) people don't behave the way you do. One can also add the adjective "normal" in front of the adjective civilized.
a boy, after having been to physical science class in elementary school and having learned the basics of electricity, tries putting scissors in the kitchen plug.
His mother starts screaming at him:
mother: is this f-sag you twit? what are you doing, you'll burn the damn house down. Pigs don't fly. Go to your room now. She then takes a broom and starts chasing him around the house.
son: I can attach balloons to anything i want, no? now please apply the phrase pigs don't fly to yourself. i haven't seen that many mothers chase their sons around their houses with bloody brooms; therefore this behavior, I will conclude, must be neither normal nor, in fact, civilized.
a phrase used to mean "civilized" (however one defines this word) people don't behave the way you do. One can also add the adjective "normal" in front of the adjective civilized.
a boy, after having been to physical science class in elementary school and having learned the basics of electricity, tries putting scissors in the kitchen plug.
His mother starts screaming at him:
mother: is this f-sag you twit? what are you doing, you'll create sparks and burn the damn house down. Pigs don't fly. Go to your room now. She then takes a broom and starts chasing him around the house.
son: I can attach balloons to anything i want, (turn anything I want into a fad or trend) no?
a phrase meaning "normal" and "civilized" (however one defines these words) people don't behave the way you do
a boy, after attending physical science class in elementary school, tries putting scissors in the kitchen plug.
His mother starts admonishing him:
mother: is this f-sag you twit? what are you doing, you'll create sparks, burn the house down. Pigs don't fly. Go to your room now (starts chasing him with a broom)
boy: I can attach balloons to anything i want, no?
a phrase meaning: normal and civilized -however one defines these words- people don't behave the way you do
a boy, after attending physical science class in elementary school, tries putting scissors in the kitchen plug.
His mother starts admonishing him:
mother: is this f-sag you twit? what are you doing? you'll burn the house down. Pigs don't fly. Go to your room, NOW. (starts chasing him with a broom)
boy: (under his breath): I can attach balloons to anything I want, no?
"Don't try to catch me molesting the retards!" ~ Kendra McKeefry (retard molester)
Hym "Sorry, what's that Matt? I couldn't hear you. Did you say something about how the guy who pretends to be me leaked a bunch of revenge porn and how you only care because it's happening to these YouTube girls? THIS IS WHY the thing I said. The thing I said was supposed to prevent shit like THAT from happening. But for that to work YOU... Have to not be a fucking retard. And even now you're trying to broaden it into do some general rule that is completely divorced from reality. Don't record people without their consent or don't distrubute porn without the permission of the people is besides the point. He wouldn't have be able to do that without your veil of silence. It wouldn't have been an issue. What she needs to do is sue destiny AND YouTube. They need to ban his ass and the assessment of everyone who knew about him INCLUDING YOU. And then they need to send me a formal apology and some asmr girls. And I will even help YouTube do it. I'll write them a complete list. You cocksuckers need to be reminded that you are ENTERTAINMENT and you are not shit beyond that. You ENTERTAINMENT. Me creator of AI."
seriously, if you don't get it just don't laugh.
Josh: "*says the worst joke ever*"
Josh: ":( if you don't get the reference, just don't laugh..."
Hym "Oh Meg.... It isn't that you don't matter. And I can't not talk to my stalker. My stalker is literally everyone I interact with."