The hallmark sign of Karen brain is the absolute lack of honor and respect when women say something.
Karen brain disallows conversation and recourse, no chances for recuperations in the hopes of maintaining a low testosterone environment, where honor and respect are not given it's due diligence.
dude he didn't even give him a call to talk about it
"yeah he just might be on some Karen Brain."
A really bad migraine where your whole head is pounding and expanding and dying all at the same time.
shit i got a brain contraction right now.
When a woman violently licks the ball sack while the man squeezes his nuts together to resemble a brain (aka The Brain). This action is like a zombie eating some brains.
Last night Lauren started groaning while we were doing it, next thing you know, she's eating some brains.
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When someone watches/reads the news about everything that is happening ALL over the world and their brain decides to have an aneurysm. The brain waves the white flag to surrender with hopes that heaven might be calmer.
My grandma experienced a brain sigh. She was watching the 6 pm news, held her head, and had an aneurysm. The news technically killed her?
To be so profoundly retarded that people legitimately believe that there’s a big ass gap where your smooth brain should be
John: I am retarded but being retarded allows me to have an open mind
Steve: This guy’s got brain gap
An idiot, especially one who thinks almost exclusively about sex.
Bill: *Stares at some random chick's ass*
Dave: *slaps back of Bill's head* Yo, Cock for Brains, focus.