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pig in a blanket

when a bitches titty so flat you gotta wrap one around your hog to titfuck her.

Man, I Was so excited to tit fuck this girl last night but when she took her bra off, droop city! Had to give her a pig in a blanket.

by Schmutz1g March 1, 2021

Pig in a blanket

When you have sex with a fat woman and keep it on the down low

"Fletcher, did you fuck a pig in a blanket"
"No i didn't fuck Mckenzie"

by peterparkerspedo August 9, 2021

Pig in a blanket

Pig(s) in a blanket is slang for undercover cops

Is that a pig in a blanket? - referring to an undercover cop

by Solaraarai April 11, 2022

Pig Nose

A pig nose is used when someone says something that is clearly false or try’s to cap. Pig nose can be either verbally said or can be gestured by using your pointer finger to push your nose up, resembling a pig.

Friend #1 to friend #2: “yo, you shoulda seen how bad I whooped this man ass in Madden earlier! Dubbed him in the first quarter Lmaoo
You: “Pig nose boy stop capping you know you only beat me my by a field goal... I’ll still whoop you in 2k”’

by OG LIGHTSKIN March 18, 2019

Pig Nose

When someone wearing a mask during the corona virus pandemic, but they are not wearing the mask over their nose. In that case they would be wearing it wrong; that would not be protecting others. It looks like a pig nose when one doesn't wear their mask covering their nose.

That dickhead wont wear his mask right... he has suck a pig nose.

by Thekingofsayingduhdotcom February 28, 2021

Happy pig

A sloppy eater who is eating his/her favorite meal.

That happy pig is spilling Mac-n-Cheese on the ground.

by Kailey Girl September 24, 2015

Whistling Pig

Anything cute, sweet, or adorable. Whistling pigs can be humans or animals.

Girl: My boyfriend just said I was the best girlfriend ever!
Girl 2: He is such a whistling pig! Awww

by Ninja Alpaca April 5, 2019