To be a good guy with no worries and just live life regardless of what people think because you always win
He's so cool and just relaxed,he's so rusty abbott
When a couple is fuckin' on the beach, the guy digs a small hole. the guy sticks his penis in the hole, and then he puts it back into the girl, in whichever hole he seems fit.
hey man, u ever heard of a rusty king scorpion.
yeah, i did it to your mom last night.
were in south dakota.
...fuck you
When you're having sex with a woman and you put a clown horn butt plug into her butt so it honks with the rhythm as you have sex.
An act with a ranga that also looks like a giraffe whereby the rangaraffe reveals their genitalia to you in the middle of a poker game, causing you to immediately fold and leave the table in disgust.
How did you go at poker? I lost, he pull the Rusty Advantage
Shit man I'm broke, all I have is this rusty dollar in my pocket.
To be used for taking the worst of all dumps. The kind of discharge that is so toxic it is the most brutal metal dump of all time. Every time. So metal that the act of getting rid of such corroded metal waste could only be: to bust a rusty.
"What the hell did you do in my bathroom? It smells like you were burning trash and old batteries in here!"
"I should have warned you. I had to bust a rusty."
I stopped to use the bathroom at the gas station near my house because I had to bust a rusty.
Whiskey and tonic, prepared in the same ratio as a gin and tonic.
Would you like a glass of rusty pipe water?