Source Code

Car straw

A reusable straw kept in one's car for emergencies to be used by anyone who needs it

McDonald's forgot to give me a strawno worries I'll just grab the car straw!

by Beach1234 September 3, 2017

Hop out that car

DMV slag: When you bouta go on a lick or what some up to date dmv rappers add in their songs. You’re about to make a crime once you hop out da ca

“I hop out that car wit my men

by Timtheggg July 13, 2024

Kidney car

Piece of shit I gave my heart for and poisoning with copper


Eat shit I have 27 months asstards

I should shoot every drive test engineer fucking kidney car, 1004 copper dirty BB's

by Cody5050 January 27, 2022

car racisim

When you prefer to treat an expensive car with more respect then all the other broke people

bob practices car racisim

by J-miles November 24, 2023

Flip your car around

This saying is used towards people who out of the blue start acting weird or oppositely of how they usually act. “Flip you car around” means “you better stop acting this way, Idk what changed your personality” also meaning to tell someone to change their attitude

Josh:hey bro
Brody: don’t talk to me
Josh: damn, flip your car around

by Coloradotoohio April 26, 2018

Car purpose

When you hit a car on purpose

Katherine: Hello, 911 I was in a Car Purpose

911 Operater: Ma'am what's a Car Purpose, do you mean a CAR ACCIDENT?

Katherine: No I hit that bitch's car on purpose

911 operate: How's car? How did you hit?

Katherine: My boss Dave that s.o.b didn't give me a raise or a promotion. I deserved a raise dammit and a motherfuckin'

promotion. But do you who didn't think so?

911 operator: Dave?

Katherine: That's right DAVE!

by ZJay412 November 5, 2020

1👍 1👎


A true CAR LOVER who really loves Cars and can do anything for Cars. His love for cars will never end.


by Anhad Singh Nagpal March 15, 2019