To throw something wildly, Or if gaming ¨damn he yeeted me ¨ Would mean damn he played me good
When someone’s woman or wife is having sex with a AOB member or When two AOB members hitting the same girl
Jason: I think this female finna pull up on us
Austin: Yeet Yeet
As of 2019 it’s a code term in the pro-mia community for intentionally making oneself throw up at high velocity. The point is to make sure all the food that his been recently consumed is yeeted out of ones stomach before it reaches the colon.
A play on the definition of yeet / yeeting
“No mom and dad, I’m not bulimic I’m just yeeting the food!”
A super epic meme page that you should definitely not follow because you're uncool and probably smell like ketchup *Whips*
Josh: "Hey, did you see that cool meme yeeted meat posted?"
Gavin: "Yeah, that shit was the bomb bro!"
Both: "Radical!"
When you are trying to throw something very far(i.e. A football) but you get lazy while doing the throwing motion, causing you to not get the object anywhere close to the target.
Jake: Ay! Can you chuck the ball 50-60 yards deep?
Brad: Bish yeet*only get the ball 39 yards downfield*
To have the need to to Yeet things
Todd has entered Yeet mode. Throwing fucking chairs everywhere
Medical team: A transfer of a patient from one surface to another. IE Bed to gurney, or Gurney to imaging table.
She was transferred to the gurney from nursing home bed via the sheet yeet technique.