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All cock and balls.

A guy that is as tough as nails and an't afraid of nothin' and is very attractive to women and gets all the pussy he wants and then some.And women fight over him.

Man1:I wish I was like John.He gets all the pussy he wants and an't afraid of nothin'
Man2:Yeah he's all cock and balls.

by Deep blue 2012 December 16, 2009

4πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

all in my nasal

Describes a method of narcotic ingestment. The method in particular is by insufflating (snorting, sniffing) any substance to produce a desired high. Insufflating any substance produces a high almost immediatly because the said substance is absorbed in the membrane at the back of the nose and mouth and is allowed to enter the blood stream on contact without the need for digestion. Cocaine, Heroin, Ketamine, Ecstasy, Any prescription drugs, such as oxycontin, Methamphetamine, etc... are all examples of substances that can be insufflated.

The phrase is used in a past tense form, so as to imply one has already insufflated a substance and they are waiting to get high.

-I just popped my exo, wheres yours?
-Awww shiet, it's all in my nasal, im rollin already, your ass has to wait 30 minutes.
-Well, i've got some cain all in my nasal, so im good for right now.

by Ezekiel April 22, 2006

4πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

What THEY all say.

"My sister likes it, not me."

Monica denies that she likes it alot, but its really her most favorite song in ze world!!!

by The Man. February 21, 2005

5πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

All girls are the same

A quote from the untalented rapper juice wrld.

Stupid men: All girls are the same!! Girls: Why not date a guy then? Stupid men: Ohhh bro that's gay

by helljae February 22, 2021

64πŸ‘ 349πŸ‘Ž

All hell naw

The best way to strictly say no

Let's have a kid. All Hell naw

No never nope fuck no

by ccc.people May 19, 2016

2πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

It just all adds up…

It just all adds up… β€” The perfect ending to a really sad and bad story. The often β€œtoo late” realization that out actions are cumulative and quite binding.

If you have ever asked someone how they ended up in a particularly bad situation and the answer is β€œ It just all adds up…”; then, that person is facing a situation that from which no doctor, lawyer, judge, jury, friend, or priest can extricate them.

It’s time to face the music and dance; and pay those consequences.

This statement Is often rapidly followed by : β€œOnly god can judge me!”

Which may or may not be true β€” if god is actually all Love and Forgiveness.

But, we certainly judge ourselves; and, moments where β€œit just all adds up” cause us to momentarily reflect on both our lives and our actions.

Police: …But how did you end up killing 12 gang members; 2 innocent witnesses/bystanders; a pit bull; and an exotic South American parrot in a cage.

Perpetrator: I just shot everyone and everything I saw; and, pandemonium broke out in me; It just all adds up…well…ONLY GOD CAN JUDGE ME!!!!!!!

by Mind Hunter the Profiler September 18, 2023

201πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

root of all evil

The root of all evil is your personal bane.

a)somebody who is addicted to icecream:... "Icecream is the root of all evil"
b) somebody who hates math:..."Math is the root of all evil" etc.

by Ami 06 May 13, 2004

6πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž