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Spunk Fucker

The dweeb that hangs around when his mom makes him get off the nintendo and out of the house. Usually awkwardly to them self and puts a damper on the atmosphere in general. Commonly known to fuck bagels in-between online matches

Oh no! My mom is making me hang out with that Spunk Fucker from down the street again!

by blubberbutt321 May 12, 2011

duck fucker

a person that fucks ducks

person 1: what us
person 2: your mums gay
person 1: fuck you, you duck fucker!

by Crunchy_Chris January 1, 2021

Duck Fucker

A guy who is sexually attracted to ducks, wants to smash a duck and believes that some ducks are thiccc.

Guy- "like im not a duck fucker but thicc duck is thicc duck"
Guy2- "Guy is a duck fucker."

by BEANS BEANS BEANS April 3, 2020

Duck Fucker

A person, usually single and fucking ugly, who fucks ducks; An ugly person who fucks ugly fucking hoe sluts.

Hey look, it’s the duck fucker, Jimmy Fat Jingle!

by iwanttocommitneckrope October 30, 2018

Watermelon Fucker

a Watermelon Fucker is a dude who well.. Puts a hole in a watermelon and fucks it. These type of people are actually not that common and are mostly used in Packing ( another way for saying Argument ) and just calling someone a name in general.

1: Ewwwwwwww you are such a watermelon fucker
2: No im not!
1: Yes you are!

by Α May 18, 2023

Word fucker

Someone who likes to take words and fuck them. I don't know what else to tell you.

That person is such a WORD FUCKER. They fuck words. Yeah.

by Jorclai May 17, 2023

Gas Fucker

This is a dude that is so horney that will penitrate a turd. He doesn't care about the smell of it he will penitrate a fart. He must have poopy anal sex.

Jerome is a dirty little gas fucker

by Bootygas August 20, 2022