Whenever something is tough, opposite of easy sauce
"Wow, that test was hard pudding"
Harry hard-on is a gorilla. He lives at the zoo.
Harry hard-on doesn't like to be kidnapped, and placed in the radio station as a joke. To him and DJ, it's a grave insult.
The initial energizing of an electrical circuit by engaging an over current protection device.
Man1: Jenna Jamison is moaning.
Man2: That gives me a hard on.
Man1: Isn’t she hot?
Man2: My hard is on.
A magnum hard on is when you look into the eyes of a man laying alseep on the floor and get a massive erection and it pokes said man or woman and wakes them
Tanner: “oh yeah you look so sexy sleeping”
Titan: “what’s poking me?”
Titan: “yucky tanner get your magnum hard on away from me”
When you remember an event in your life with great detail.
Friend: Did you ever see My Bloody Valentine in concert?
Me: Not that I hard remember.
To say right on with such enthusiasm that it could make one erect
John -hey, raymond I got that order finished and ready to go.
Raymond - right on hard on
Usually for money.
When your drug dealer constantly hitting you up that they got ‘fire’ when it’s always garbage.
They got you up for the 18th time in 3 days ‘yo come through. I got that fire’
‘Nah man. I’m good. Are you really that hard off for my money’
When your one friend is always dressed with some flashy accessory or piece of clothing.
‘Are you really that hard off to make some kind of first impression’
When you borrow $5 from your coworker because you left your wallet home. They text you that night reminding you. Then first thing when you get in the next day
‘Yo you got that $5’
‘Yeah just gotta get change when we stop at Quick Chek’
Before you can get your wallet out when you get back to the truck
‘Yo were you able to get change’
‘Shit man. Are you really that hard off for $5’