charlie reeves is probably smelly but idk i haven’t seen him in months
charlie reeves is a boy who can never get a girl to fall for him, he tries but always gets rejected. he is probably sad and has bad friends
charlie reeves is a dumb lonely kid
used to be short but now is still short
charlie reeves is short
he is a twink who has admitted to being a twink for at least a year and pretended to not know what it meant. soft soy boy twink. he deserves a fat cock in his bussy, he will love it because he is a twink
charlie reeves is a twink
Chews on black cocks because he’s kinky
Your such a “Charlie savoury” for Jamal bro
It’s a syndrome where you’re obsessively thinking about guy named Charles
— Hey why are you smiling
— I’m just thinking about Charlie you know
— You have Charlie’s syndrome bitch